ATOMS are the smallest individual parts of an element .They are tiny,with diameters in the order of one ten thousand millionth of a me...
MATTER is anything that has mass.It includes everything from natural substances,such as minerals or living organisms,to synthetic mat...
Chemical reactions
A chemical reaction takes place ,when ever bonds between atoms are broken or made.In each case, atoms or groups of atoms rearrange,makin...
A Galaxy is a huge mass of stars ,nebulae,and interstellar material.The smallest galaxy contain about 100,000 stars,While a largest cont...
Neutron Stars and Black Holes
NEUTRON STARS AND BLACK HOLES form from the stellar cores that remain after stars have exploded as spernovave.If the remaining core ...
Why Should I buy Samsung Galaxy s6?
BReaking The Suspense the Samsung Have Brought their New Wireless charger with their new Featured Phone Samsung Galaxy S6. Samsung Galax...
Plus Two Text Books
Last updated on 02.06.2015: Text Books for the Kerala Higher Secondary Plus Two courses have been revised for the academic year 20...
Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.
The well-being of humanity, the environment, and the functioning of the economy, ultimately depend upon the responsible management of ...